Archeophone’s Phonographic Yearbook series gives you the biggest hit records of a year on a single disc, packaged with all the information that brings the year alive. We fill the disc with the most popular songs of a given year and give you deluxe 24-page booklets featuring full color graphics, detailed information about the recordings, and an interpretive essay that places the music in the context of the time. No other single-year compilation approaches the quality of the package.
The series includes two special editions that give you an overview of the first decade of the recording industry, the 1890s. Featuring 60 songs between the two, these special editions present the most popular versions of some of the earliest songs that people still remember today—”Hot Time in the Old Town,” “Hello! Ma Baby,” “The Band Played On,” “Stars and Stripes Forever,” and more. The first volume features profiles of the earliest artists with rare illustrations and photos along with an essay about social events of the decade; the second volume, which focuses on the songwriters, includes lyrics to the songs, notes on the composers, and an essay about early technological progress.
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1905: "Deliver Daniel From the Lion’s Den"
Various Artists
Released: April 21, 2023 • Catalogue: ARCH 9025 • UPC: 860003210086
1905: “Deliver Daniel From the Lion’s Den” features 27 popular recordings from 1905, the year Einstein seemingly emerged from nowhere to publish four works that made his reputation and permanently changed our understanding of light, mass, and energy. Highlights include Arthur Collins’ “Preacher and the Bear,” Bob Roberts’ “Back Back to Baltimore,” and two works that helped establish Billy Murray’s reputation as the premier interpreter of George M. Cohan on record: “Yankee Doodle Boy” and “Give My Regards to Broadway.” List price: $17.49
1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Various Artists
Released: September 30, 2022 • Catalogue: ARCH 9024 • UPC: 860003210062
1904: “Call It the Land of Dreams” presents 27 popular recordings from the year the St. Louis Exposition introduced the world to ice cream cones and America took lead on the Panama Canal. Highlights include “Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis,” “Under the Anheuser Bush,” and “Toyland.” List price: $17.49
1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Various Artists
Released: February 26, 2021 • Catalogue: ARCH 9026 • UPC: 860003210024
The newest volume in our Phonographic Yearbook series, 1923: “Gonna Play the Villain Part” features 25 selections from the year a popular president died amid growing public scandals, a new sign illuminated the Los Angeles skyline, and the country was swept up musically by the question of where one could find bananas. List price: $17.49
1910: "Act Two, Scene New"
Various Artists
Released: October 25, 2019 • Catalogue: ARCH 9015 • UPC: 868490000289
1910: “Act Two, Scene New” features 26 selections from 1910, the year the largest fire ever recorded in the U.S. consumed parts of Idaho, Montana, and Washington and set up a policy debate that lingers to this day about enviromental resource management. List price: $17.49
1909: "Talk of Your Scand’lous Times"
Various Artists
Released: March 31, 2017 • Catalogue: ARCH 9014 • UPC: 778632907997
Our newest Phonographic Yearbook features 28 selections from 1909, the year Theodore Roosevelt handed the presidential reins to William Howard Taft and cries of “Oh You Kid!” scandalized the nation. 1909: "Talk of Your Scand’lous Times" includes a 24-page full-color booklet with notes and illustrations that bring the year to life. List price: $17.49
1919: "Jazzin’ Around and Paintin’ the Town"
Various Artists
Released: September 9, 2014 • Catalogue: ARCH 9019 • UPC: 778632906662
25 selections from 1919, the year the White Sox threw the World Series and the nation experienced one of the largest labor strikes in history. Highlights include Marion Harris’ “After You’ve Gone,” John Steel’s “A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody,” Billy Murray’s “The Alcoholic Blues” and hits by some of the leading dance orchestras of the day. The set includes a 24-page full-color booklet with an interpretive historical essay on key events of the year and notes on all of the selections. List price: $17.49
1911: "Up, Up a Little Bit Higher"
Various Artists
Released: September 9, 2014 • Catalogue: ARCH 9016 • UPC: 778632906655
26 hits from 1911, the year the nation got wrapped up in the aviation craze and the Triangle fire changed workplace safety laws. Highlights include Gene Greene’s “King of the Bungaloos,” Blanche Ring’s “Come Josephine in My Flying Machine,” and Collins and Harlan’s “Alexander’s Ragtime Band. The set includes a 24-page full-color booklet with an interpretive historical essay on key events of the year and notes on all of the selections. List price: $17.49
1918: "Like the Sunshine After Rain"
Various Artists
Released: June 11, 2013 • Catalogue: ARCH 9018 • UPC: 778632906068
1918: “Like the Sunshine After Rain” features 24 selections from the year World War I came to a close and an influenza epidemic swept the nation. Selections include wartime and comic songs, songs that would become part of the Great American Songbook, and early jazz and dance numbers by Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. The CD includes a full-color 24-page booklet featuring an interpretive historical essay, notes on the selections, full discographical information and a bounty of historic photos and illustrations. List price: $17.49
1917: "Yankees to the Ranks"
Various Artists
Released: June 12, 2012 • Catalogue: ARCH 9017 • UPC: 778632905559
1917: “Yankees to the Ranks” presents 25 songs from the year the U.S. declared war on Germany and entered into World War I. The 24-page color booklet includes extensive notes on all the songs and an interpretive historical essay that tells the story of patriotic volunteerism. Old favorite artists such as Billy Murray, Campbell and Burr, and Collins and Harlan are all here in clear restored audio; so too are newcomers Van and Schenck, Marion Harris, Dietrich and Wright, Anna Wheaton with James Harrod, Arthur Fields, and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band on their first record! List price: $25.00
1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
Various Artists
Released: June 14, 2011 • Catalogue: ARCH 9012 • UPC: 778632904378
1914: “Her Memory Haunts You” features 25 selections from the year that the hopes and dreams of the progressive coalition that had put their faith in the presidency of Woodrow Wilson saw their agenda put on hold while economic issues–and then the beginning of World War I–took center stage. The soundtrack to the year brings us a good mix of future classics and songs of the moment, odes to country life, and more than a handful of songs longing for home and hearth, both pathetic and humorous. As with Archeophone’s other Phonographic Yearbooks, 1914 includes a full-color 24-page booklet. List price: $25.00
1906: "When Things Was Lookin’ Bright"
Various Artists
Released: May 12, 2009 • Catalogue: ARCH 9013 • UPC: 778632901476
1906: “When Things Was Lookin’ Bright” features 27 tracks from the year of the great San Francisco earthquake and the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. The CD comes with a generously illustrated 24-page full-color booklet, including notes on each of the selections and an interpretive essay on the events of the year. List price: $25.00
1915: "They’d Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Various Artists
Released: October 11, 2006 • Catalogue: ARCH 9011 • UPC: 777215111158
25 songs from 1915, the year submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania hit the news. Popular songs included the American Quartet’s “On the 5:15” and Billy Murray’s “The Little Ford Rambled Right Along,” Al Jolson’s “Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers,” and one of the most famous war protest songs of all, “I Didn’t Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier.” 1915: “They’d Sooner Sleep on Thistles” includes a 24 page full color booklet featuring an essay on the Lusitania and the push to war, discographical information on the records, notes on the songs, and rare images and photographs. List price: $17.49
1916: "The Country Found Them Ready"
Various Artists
Released: May 28, 2005 • Catalogue: ARCH 9010 • UPC: 777215108363
25 hits from the year that Woodrow Wilson won re-election to the U.S. presidency on the campaign, “He kept us out of war.” Behind the scenes, however, Wilson was preparing the nation for entry into the conflict, which came in April 1917. At the same time, child-labor laws were passed, and Emma Goldman found herself convicted for breaking the Comstock law. List price: $17.49
1908: "Take Me Out with the Crowd"
Various Artists
Released: April 20, 2004 • Catalogue: ARCH 9009 • UPC: 777215106079
26 hits from 1908, the year that Fred Merkle’s boneheaded play cost the Giants a trip to the World Series but sent the Cubs to their last series championship. Included here is baseball’s anthem, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” by the Haydn Quartet, along with 2 hits by the newly-christened Peerless Quartet and standards by the acoustic-era’s great “teams”: Collins and Harlan, Stanley and Burr, and Jones and Murray. Also features the collectible hit by Lucy Isabelle Marsh, “The Glow Worm” and hits by vaudeville greats Eddie Morton and Clarice Vance. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Various Artists
Released: May 27, 2003 • Catalogue: ARCH 9008 • UPC: 777215104624
25 hits from 1907, the year that American banks suffered one of the worst panics in U.S. history, ushering in a two-year depression. Features sentimental favorites by Byron G. Harlan (“School Days”) and Frank Stanley (“Auld Lang Syne”), comic hits by Collins and Harlan, Bob Roberts, and Helen Trix (“The Bird on Nellie’s Hat”), and the first stateside hit for Harry Lauder (“I Love a Lassie”). Other top artists include Billy Murray (“San Antonio” and “Harrigan”), Bert Williams, Ada Jones, Stanley and Burr (“Red Wing”), Enrico Caruso (“Vesti La Giubba” from Pagliacci), and the U.S. Marine Band doing a rousing version of Joplin’s “Maple Leaf Rag.” Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1922: "An Angel’s Voice I Hear"
Various Artists
Released: December 30, 2002 • Catalogue: ARCH 9007 • UPC: 777215104136
24 hits from 1922, the year that sales of radios to American homes skyrocketed. The music was also getting jazzier, witnessed by hits such as “Lovin’ Sam” by Miss Patricola and the Virginians, “On the Alamo” by Isham Jones, and “Hot Lips” by Paul Whiteman with Henry Busse. Other hits are by Fanny Brice (“My Man” and “Second Hand Rose”), Jones and Hare, Henry Burr, Al Jolson, and Lucy Isabelle Marsh and Royal Dadmun. Features the last hit by Jones and Murray, and the song of the year, the insanely popular “Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean” in two different versions. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran’ New Gown"
Various Artists
Released: May 17, 2002 • Catalogue: ARCH 9006 • UPC: 656605923925
30 tracks from 1892-1900, transferred from exceedingly scarce brown wax cylinders and Berliner discs. More hits by the biggest artists of the American 1890s, such as Gilmore’s Band, Cal Stewart, Dan Quinn, George Gaskin, Arthur Collins, and John Yorke AtLee. Standout tracks include the hitherto unattested cylinder of “Silver Threads Among the Gold” by J. W. Myers, the 1894 recording of “Then You’ll Remember Me” by the U.S. Marine Band, an exceptional copy of “Casey at the Telephone,” ca. 1896 by Russell Hunting, and the ultra-rare “Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow Wow” ca. 1892 by Silas Leachman for the North American Phonograph Company of Chicago. The deluxe 24-page booklet includes lyrics and bios and pictures of selected songwriters, a timeline of when the songs first hit big, and an historical essay focusing on major technological innovations of the decade. Companion volume to ARCH 9004. List price: $17.49
1913: "Come and See the Big Parade"
Various Artists
Released: December 1, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9005 • UPC: 656605923420
24 hits from 1913, the year that Henry Ford rolled out his first fully operational assembly line. Big songs by Alan Turner, Ada Jones (“Row! Row! Row!”), Al Jolson’s first sides for Columbia (“Pullman Porters Parade” and “You Made Me Love You”), the Peerless Quartet, Campbell and Burr doing “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine”, Charles Harrison with “Peg O’ My Heart,” and spirited numbers by Prince’s Band (“Too Much Mustard”) and the American Quartet, plus many more. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Various Artists
Released: April 4, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9004 • UPC: 656605928029
30 tracks from 1893-1902, transferred from exceedingly scarce Berliner discs and brown wax cylinders, with top artists such as Dan W. Quinn (“The Band Played On”), George J. Gaskin (“Drill, Ye Terriers, Drill”), John Yorke AtLee (“The Mocking Bird”), George W. Johnson (“The Whistling Coon”), Arthur Collins (“I’d Leave My Happy Home for You”), and Sousa’s Band, Vess Ossman, Edward M. Favor, Russell Hunting, and more. The deluxe 24-page booklet boasts extremely rare photos of several of the artists (many only now published for the first time in over 100 years), artist bios, a timeline of when the songs first hit big, and an historical essay focusing on major social problems of the decade. Companion volume to ARCH 9006. List price: $17.49
1912: "Waitin’ on the Levee"
Various Artists
Released: April 4, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9003 • UPC: 656605923826
24 hits from 1912, the year that the unsinkable Titanic went down and Teddy Roosevelt launched his Bull Moose Party. Big songs by Billy Murray and the American Quartet, Heidelberg Quintet, Ada Jones, Bob Roberts doing “Ragtime Cowboy Joe,” a very young Al Jolson singing “That Haunting Melody” and “Ragging the Baby to Sleep,” Collins and Harlan, Harry Lauder, and more. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
Currently Out of Stock
1921: "Make Believe and Smile"
Various Artists
Released: October 9, 2000 • Catalogue: ARCH 9002A • UPC: 777215104617
25 hits from 1921, the year that the Tulsa underwent the worst race riot in American history. Top songs by Paul Whiteman, Campbell and Burr, Al Jolson, Marion Harris, Eddie Cantor, Van and Schenck, Zez Confrey, the Paul Biese Trio and Frank Crumit, Isham Jones, and Vernon Dalhart. 24-page color booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1920: "Even Water’s Getting Weaker"
Various Artists
Released: September 1, 1999 • Catalogue: ARCH 9001A • UPC: 656605911823
24 hits from 1920, the year that national Prohibition and women’s suffrage took effect. Top artists include Al Jolson, Billy Murray, Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra, Van and Schenck, John Steel, Selvin’s Novelty Orchestra, Nora Bayes, and Art Hickman’s Orchestra. 24-page color booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Various Artists
Released: April 4, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9004 • UPC: 656605928029
30 tracks from 1893-1902, transferred from exceedingly scarce Berliner discs and brown wax cylinders, with top artists such as Dan W. Quinn (“The Band Played On”), George J. Gaskin (“Drill, Ye Terriers, Drill”), John Yorke AtLee (“The Mocking Bird”), George W. Johnson (“The Whistling Coon”), Arthur Collins (“I’d Leave My Happy Home for You”), and Sousa’s Band, Vess Ossman, Edward M. Favor, Russell Hunting, and more. The deluxe 24-page booklet boasts extremely rare photos of several of the artists (many only now published for the first time in over 100 years), artist bios, a timeline of when the songs first hit big, and an historical essay focusing on major social problems of the decade. Companion volume to ARCH 9006. List price: $17.49
The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran’ New Gown"
Various Artists
Released: May 17, 2002 • Catalogue: ARCH 9006 • UPC: 656605923925
30 tracks from 1892-1900, transferred from exceedingly scarce brown wax cylinders and Berliner discs. More hits by the biggest artists of the American 1890s, such as Gilmore’s Band, Cal Stewart, Dan Quinn, George Gaskin, Arthur Collins, and John Yorke AtLee. Standout tracks include the hitherto unattested cylinder of “Silver Threads Among the Gold” by J. W. Myers, the 1894 recording of “Then You’ll Remember Me” by the U.S. Marine Band, an exceptional copy of “Casey at the Telephone,” ca. 1896 by Russell Hunting, and the ultra-rare “Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow Wow” ca. 1892 by Silas Leachman for the North American Phonograph Company of Chicago. The deluxe 24-page booklet includes lyrics and bios and pictures of selected songwriters, a timeline of when the songs first hit big, and an historical essay focusing on major technological innovations of the decade. Companion volume to ARCH 9004. List price: $17.49
1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Various Artists
Released: September 30, 2022 • Catalogue: ARCH 9024 • UPC: 860003210062
1904: “Call It the Land of Dreams” presents 27 popular recordings from the year the St. Louis Exposition introduced the world to ice cream cones and America took lead on the Panama Canal. Highlights include “Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis,” “Under the Anheuser Bush,” and “Toyland.” List price: $17.49
1905: "Deliver Daniel From the Lion’s Den"
Various Artists
Released: April 21, 2023 • Catalogue: ARCH 9025 • UPC: 860003210086
1905: “Deliver Daniel From the Lion’s Den” features 27 popular recordings from 1905, the year Einstein seemingly emerged from nowhere to publish four works that made his reputation and permanently changed our understanding of light, mass, and energy. Highlights include Arthur Collins’ “Preacher and the Bear,” Bob Roberts’ “Back Back to Baltimore,” and two works that helped establish Billy Murray’s reputation as the premier interpreter of George M. Cohan on record: “Yankee Doodle Boy” and “Give My Regards to Broadway.” List price: $17.49
1906: "When Things Was Lookin’ Bright"
Various Artists
Released: May 12, 2009 • Catalogue: ARCH 9013 • UPC: 778632901476
1906: “When Things Was Lookin’ Bright” features 27 tracks from the year of the great San Francisco earthquake and the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. The CD comes with a generously illustrated 24-page full-color booklet, including notes on each of the selections and an interpretive essay on the events of the year. List price: $25.00
1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Various Artists
Released: May 27, 2003 • Catalogue: ARCH 9008 • UPC: 777215104624
25 hits from 1907, the year that American banks suffered one of the worst panics in U.S. history, ushering in a two-year depression. Features sentimental favorites by Byron G. Harlan (“School Days”) and Frank Stanley (“Auld Lang Syne”), comic hits by Collins and Harlan, Bob Roberts, and Helen Trix (“The Bird on Nellie’s Hat”), and the first stateside hit for Harry Lauder (“I Love a Lassie”). Other top artists include Billy Murray (“San Antonio” and “Harrigan”), Bert Williams, Ada Jones, Stanley and Burr (“Red Wing”), Enrico Caruso (“Vesti La Giubba” from Pagliacci), and the U.S. Marine Band doing a rousing version of Joplin’s “Maple Leaf Rag.” Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1908: "Take Me Out with the Crowd"
Various Artists
Released: April 20, 2004 • Catalogue: ARCH 9009 • UPC: 777215106079
26 hits from 1908, the year that Fred Merkle’s boneheaded play cost the Giants a trip to the World Series but sent the Cubs to their last series championship. Included here is baseball’s anthem, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” by the Haydn Quartet, along with 2 hits by the newly-christened Peerless Quartet and standards by the acoustic-era’s great “teams”: Collins and Harlan, Stanley and Burr, and Jones and Murray. Also features the collectible hit by Lucy Isabelle Marsh, “The Glow Worm” and hits by vaudeville greats Eddie Morton and Clarice Vance. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1910: "Act Two, Scene New"
Various Artists
Released: October 25, 2019 • Catalogue: ARCH 9015 • UPC: 868490000289
1910: “Act Two, Scene New” features 26 selections from 1910, the year the largest fire ever recorded in the U.S. consumed parts of Idaho, Montana, and Washington and set up a policy debate that lingers to this day about enviromental resource management. List price: $17.49
1909: "Talk of Your Scand’lous Times"
Various Artists
Released: March 31, 2017 • Catalogue: ARCH 9014 • UPC: 778632907997
Our newest Phonographic Yearbook features 28 selections from 1909, the year Theodore Roosevelt handed the presidential reins to William Howard Taft and cries of “Oh You Kid!” scandalized the nation. 1909: "Talk of Your Scand’lous Times" includes a 24-page full-color booklet with notes and illustrations that bring the year to life. List price: $17.49
1911: "Up, Up a Little Bit Higher"
Various Artists
Released: September 9, 2014 • Catalogue: ARCH 9016 • UPC: 778632906655
26 hits from 1911, the year the nation got wrapped up in the aviation craze and the Triangle fire changed workplace safety laws. Highlights include Gene Greene’s “King of the Bungaloos,” Blanche Ring’s “Come Josephine in My Flying Machine,” and Collins and Harlan’s “Alexander’s Ragtime Band. The set includes a 24-page full-color booklet with an interpretive historical essay on key events of the year and notes on all of the selections. List price: $17.49
1912: "Waitin’ on the Levee"
Various Artists
Released: April 4, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9003 • UPC: 656605923826
24 hits from 1912, the year that the unsinkable Titanic went down and Teddy Roosevelt launched his Bull Moose Party. Big songs by Billy Murray and the American Quartet, Heidelberg Quintet, Ada Jones, Bob Roberts doing “Ragtime Cowboy Joe,” a very young Al Jolson singing “That Haunting Melody” and “Ragging the Baby to Sleep,” Collins and Harlan, Harry Lauder, and more. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
Currently Out of Stock
1913: "Come and See the Big Parade"
Various Artists
Released: December 1, 2001 • Catalogue: ARCH 9005 • UPC: 656605923420
24 hits from 1913, the year that Henry Ford rolled out his first fully operational assembly line. Big songs by Alan Turner, Ada Jones (“Row! Row! Row!”), Al Jolson’s first sides for Columbia (“Pullman Porters Parade” and “You Made Me Love You”), the Peerless Quartet, Campbell and Burr doing “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine”, Charles Harrison with “Peg O’ My Heart,” and spirited numbers by Prince’s Band (“Too Much Mustard”) and the American Quartet, plus many more. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
Various Artists
Released: June 14, 2011 • Catalogue: ARCH 9012 • UPC: 778632904378
1914: “Her Memory Haunts You” features 25 selections from the year that the hopes and dreams of the progressive coalition that had put their faith in the presidency of Woodrow Wilson saw their agenda put on hold while economic issues–and then the beginning of World War I–took center stage. The soundtrack to the year brings us a good mix of future classics and songs of the moment, odes to country life, and more than a handful of songs longing for home and hearth, both pathetic and humorous. As with Archeophone’s other Phonographic Yearbooks, 1914 includes a full-color 24-page booklet. List price: $25.00
1915: "They’d Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Various Artists
Released: October 11, 2006 • Catalogue: ARCH 9011 • UPC: 777215111158
25 songs from 1915, the year submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania hit the news. Popular songs included the American Quartet’s “On the 5:15” and Billy Murray’s “The Little Ford Rambled Right Along,” Al Jolson’s “Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers,” and one of the most famous war protest songs of all, “I Didn’t Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier.” 1915: “They’d Sooner Sleep on Thistles” includes a 24 page full color booklet featuring an essay on the Lusitania and the push to war, discographical information on the records, notes on the songs, and rare images and photographs. List price: $17.49
1916: "The Country Found Them Ready"
Various Artists
Released: May 28, 2005 • Catalogue: ARCH 9010 • UPC: 777215108363
25 hits from the year that Woodrow Wilson won re-election to the U.S. presidency on the campaign, “He kept us out of war.” Behind the scenes, however, Wilson was preparing the nation for entry into the conflict, which came in April 1917. At the same time, child-labor laws were passed, and Emma Goldman found herself convicted for breaking the Comstock law. List price: $17.49
1917: "Yankees to the Ranks"
Various Artists
Released: June 12, 2012 • Catalogue: ARCH 9017 • UPC: 778632905559
1917: “Yankees to the Ranks” presents 25 songs from the year the U.S. declared war on Germany and entered into World War I. The 24-page color booklet includes extensive notes on all the songs and an interpretive historical essay that tells the story of patriotic volunteerism. Old favorite artists such as Billy Murray, Campbell and Burr, and Collins and Harlan are all here in clear restored audio; so too are newcomers Van and Schenck, Marion Harris, Dietrich and Wright, Anna Wheaton with James Harrod, Arthur Fields, and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band on their first record! List price: $25.00
1918: "Like the Sunshine After Rain"
Various Artists
Released: June 11, 2013 • Catalogue: ARCH 9018 • UPC: 778632906068
1918: “Like the Sunshine After Rain” features 24 selections from the year World War I came to a close and an influenza epidemic swept the nation. Selections include wartime and comic songs, songs that would become part of the Great American Songbook, and early jazz and dance numbers by Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. The CD includes a full-color 24-page booklet featuring an interpretive historical essay, notes on the selections, full discographical information and a bounty of historic photos and illustrations. List price: $17.49
1919: "Jazzin’ Around and Paintin’ the Town"
Various Artists
Released: September 9, 2014 • Catalogue: ARCH 9019 • UPC: 778632906662
25 selections from 1919, the year the White Sox threw the World Series and the nation experienced one of the largest labor strikes in history. Highlights include Marion Harris’ “After You’ve Gone,” John Steel’s “A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody,” Billy Murray’s “The Alcoholic Blues” and hits by some of the leading dance orchestras of the day. The set includes a 24-page full-color booklet with an interpretive historical essay on key events of the year and notes on all of the selections. List price: $17.49
1920: "Even Water’s Getting Weaker"
Various Artists
Released: September 1, 1999 • Catalogue: ARCH 9001A • UPC: 656605911823
24 hits from 1920, the year that national Prohibition and women’s suffrage took effect. Top artists include Al Jolson, Billy Murray, Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra, Van and Schenck, John Steel, Selvin’s Novelty Orchestra, Nora Bayes, and Art Hickman’s Orchestra. 24-page color booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1921: "Make Believe and Smile"
Various Artists
Released: October 9, 2000 • Catalogue: ARCH 9002A • UPC: 777215104617
25 hits from 1921, the year that the Tulsa underwent the worst race riot in American history. Top songs by Paul Whiteman, Campbell and Burr, Al Jolson, Marion Harris, Eddie Cantor, Van and Schenck, Zez Confrey, the Paul Biese Trio and Frank Crumit, Isham Jones, and Vernon Dalhart. 24-page color booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1922: "An Angel’s Voice I Hear"
Various Artists
Released: December 30, 2002 • Catalogue: ARCH 9007 • UPC: 777215104136
24 hits from 1922, the year that sales of radios to American homes skyrocketed. The music was also getting jazzier, witnessed by hits such as “Lovin’ Sam” by Miss Patricola and the Virginians, “On the Alamo” by Isham Jones, and “Hot Lips” by Paul Whiteman with Henry Busse. Other hits are by Fanny Brice (“My Man” and “Second Hand Rose”), Jones and Hare, Henry Burr, Al Jolson, and Lucy Isabelle Marsh and Royal Dadmun. Features the last hit by Jones and Murray, and the song of the year, the insanely popular “Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean” in two different versions. Deluxe, full-color 24-page booklet features detailed notes on the songs, an historical essay, and rare graphics. List price: $17.49
1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Various Artists
Released: February 26, 2021 • Catalogue: ARCH 9026 • UPC: 860003210024
The newest volume in our Phonographic Yearbook series, 1923: “Gonna Play the Villain Part” features 25 selections from the year a popular president died amid growing public scandals, a new sign illuminated the Los Angeles skyline, and the country was swept up musically by the question of where one could find bananas. List price: $17.49

The 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Various Artists
QuickviewThe 1890s, Vol. 1: "Wipe Him Off the Land"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

The 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Various Artists
QuickviewThe 1890s, Vol. 2: "Wear Yer Bran' New Gown"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Various Artists
Quickview1904: "Call It the Land of Dreams"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1905: "Deliver Daniel From the Lion's Den"
Various Artists
Quickview1905: "Deliver Daniel From the Lion's Den"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1906: "When Things Was Lookin' Bright"
Various Artists
Quickview1906: "When Things Was Lookin' Bright"
Various Artists
List price: $25.00

1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Various Artists
Quickview1907: "Dear Old Golden Rule Days"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1908: "Take Me Out with the Crowd"
Various Artists
Quickview1908: "Take Me Out with the Crowd"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1909: "Talk of Your Scand'lous Times"
Various Artists
Quickview1909: "Talk of Your Scand'lous Times"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1910: "Act Two, Scene New"
Various Artists
Quickview1910: "Act Two, Scene New"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1911: "Up, Up a Little Bit Higher"
Various Artists
Quickview1911: "Up, Up a Little Bit Higher"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1912: "Waitin' on the Levee"
Various Artists
Quickview1912: "Waitin' on the Levee"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1913: "Come and See the Big Parade"
Various Artists
Quickview1913: "Come and See the Big Parade"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
Various Artists
Quickview1914: "Her Memory Haunts You"
Various Artists
List price: $25.00

1915: "They'd Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Various Artists
Quickview1915: "They'd Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1916: "The Country Found Them Ready"
Various Artists
Quickview1916: "The Country Found Them Ready"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1917: "Yankees to the Ranks"
Various Artists
Quickview1917: "Yankees to the Ranks"
Various Artists
List price: $25.00

1918: "Like the Sunshine After Rain"
Various Artists
Quickview1918: "Like the Sunshine After Rain"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1919: "Jazzin' Around and Paintin' the Town"
Various Artists
Quickview1919: "Jazzin' Around and Paintin' the Town"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1920: "Even Water's Getting Weaker"
Various Artists
Quickview1920: "Even Water's Getting Weaker"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1921: "Make Believe and Smile"
Various Artists
Quickview1921: "Make Believe and Smile"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1922: "An Angel's Voice I Hear"
Various Artists
Quickview1922: "An Angel's Voice I Hear"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49

1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Various Artists
Quickview1923: "Gonna Play the Villain Part"
Various Artists
List price: $17.49