Chicago, the most populous Swedish city after Stockholm, was also home to the first record label founded by a Nordic immigrant to the United States. Gustaf Waldemar Wallin, a former crofter from Sweden’s rocky western coast, owned a music shop and launched Wallin’s Svenska Records, issuing 28 ten-inch shellac discs (56 tracks) from 1923 to 1927. Performers ran the era’s gamut: raucous vaudevillians; operatic tenors; accordion dance bands intermingling venerable folk tunes with hot jazz; sedate classical duos and novelty bell ringers; rousing vocal quartets and massed choirs; seasoned professionals and moonlighting amateurs. Further, Wallin’s discs were recorded by two important entrepreneurs with Chicago studios: evangelist Homer Rodeheaver, who made acoustic records, and Orlando Marsh, who pioneered in the field of electrical recording. Comprising two CDs remastered from rare discs, Swede Home Chicago includes a richly illustrated 76-page booklet—co-authored by folklorists Jim Leary and Marcus Cederström, and Archeophone’s Richard Martin—featuring an essay on the label’s history, performers’ biographies, track notes, Swedish lyrics, and English translations, combining to illuminate a vibrant bygone musical scene that expands our understanding of America’s perpetual musical pluralism. Produced in cooperation with the Mills Music Library and the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. List price: $28.99
- Catalogue number: ARCH 8003
- UPC: 860003210048
- Original release date: August 27, 2021
- Running length: 157:56 / 56 tracks / 2 CD set
- Notes & packaging: Digipak with a 76-page full-color booklet
- Tracks recorded: 1923-1927
- In Archeophone’s Ethnic & Foreign Language series
Tracklist: CD 1 | ||||
1. | Kväsar valsen | Harold E. Anderson, accordion | 1923 | |
2. | Kärlek och handklavér | Gustaf Fonandern (with Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions) | 1923 | |
3. | Lilla Frida, och Jag | Gustaf Fonandern, with accordion accomp. | 1923 | |
4. | Det var en gubbe | Olle i Skratthult (Hjalmar Peterson with Harry Swanson, piano) | 1923 | |
5. | Mor, lilla mor | Henry Corsell (with Esther Arneson, piano) | 1923 | |
6. | Hälsning från Norden | Henry Corsell (with Ebba Frederickson, violin) | 1924 | |
7. | Vaggvisa från Samoa | Ebba Frederickson, violin (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1925 | |
8. | Sång fåglarne | Chicago Premier Kvartett | 1923 | |
9. | Serenad | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
10. | Carmela | Knut Öhrström (with Harry T. Carlson, piano) | 1924 | |
11. | Flickan i skogen | Ebbe Kempe-Kjellgren (with Elsa Frick, piano) | 1923 | |
12. | Kristin vals | Gustaf Fonandern (with Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions) | 1923 | |
13. | Avestaforsens brus | Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions | 1923 | |
14. | Mona, min tärna | Henry Corsell (with Esther Arneson, piano) | 1923 | |
15. | Hembygden | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
16. | Jäg är en pilgrim här | Knut Öhrström (with Harry T. Carlson, piano) | 1924 | |
17. | Den farliga månen | Harold E. Anderson, accordion | 1923 | |
18. | Min favorit-schottis | Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions | 1923 | |
19. | Maria-vals | Ebba Frederickson, violin (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1923 | |
20. | För dig allen | Gunnar Sund (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1924 | |
21. | Ack, Wärmeland du sköna | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
22. | Hör oss Svea | Svensk-Amerikanska Sångarförbunde | 1924 | |
23. | Afton klockor | Scandinavian Bell Ringers | 1925 | |
24. | I ljuva drömmar | Scandinavian Bell Ringers | 1925 | |
25. | Källan | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
26. | O hur stilla | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
27. | Jag undrar hur de gamla har det nu | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
28. | Pär Speleman | Folke Andersson, with piano and violin accomp. | 1927 |
Tracklist: CD 2 | ||||
1. | Den farliga månen | Harold E. Anderson, accordion | 1923 | |
2. | Flickan med kortklippt hår | Gustaf Fonandern (with Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions) | 1923 | |
3. | Jazz-gossen | Gustaf Fonandern, with accordion accomp. | 1923 | |
4. | Storbönneras vals | Olle i Skratthult (Hjalmar Peterson with Harry Swanson, piano) | 1923 | |
5. | Månstrålar klara glimma | Henry Corsell (with Esther Arneson, piano) | 1923 | |
6. | Bliv min, så är världen min | Henry Corsell (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1924 | |
7. | Tonerna | Ebba Frederickson, violin (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1923 | |
8. | Mitt hemlands dal | Chicago Premier Kvartett | 1923 | |
9. | Hälsa dem där hemma | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
10. | Ingalill | Knut Öhrström (with Harry T. Carlson, piano) | 1924 | |
11. | Släckta fyrar | Ebbe Kempe-Kjellgren (with Elsa Frick, piano) | 1923 | |
12. | Svarta Rudolf | Gustaf Fonandern (with Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions) | 1923 | |
13. | Den gula paviljongen | Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions | 1923 | |
14. | Barndomshemmet | Henry Corsell (with Ebba Frederickson, violin) | 1923 | |
15. | Stjärnor i kronan | Knut Öhrström (with Harry T. Carlson, piano) | 1924 | |
16. | Zigenarvisa | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
17. | Vid blänkfyren | Harold E. Anderson and Alfred Edström, accordions | 1923 | |
18. | Rondino | Ebba Frederickson, violin (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1925 | |
19. | På Roines strand | Gunnar Sund (with Hildur Bergström, piano) | 1924 | |
20. | Längtan till Sverige | Knut Öhrström, with violin and piano accomp. | 1925 | |
21. | Du gamla du fria | Henry Corsell and Svensk-Amerikanska Sångarförbundet | 1924 | |
22. | Hem ljuva hem | Scandinavian Bell Ringers | 1925 | |
23. | Ring i himmelens klockor | Scandinavian Bell Ringers | 1925 | |
24. | Mor, lilla mor | Henry Corsell (with Esther Arneson, piano) | 1924 | |
25. | Land, du välsignade | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
26. | I Herrens helgedom | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
27. | Hå hå ja ja de fleckera | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 | |
28. | Jag sjunger och dansar ur Värmländingarna | Folke Andersson, with piano accomp. | 1927 |
posted: September 23, 2021
Wallin’s Performers: Beyond Anonymity
posted: September 3, 2021
Transcription, Translation, and Operatic Tenors
posted: August 13, 2021
The Hunt for Wallin’s Svenska Records
posted: August 2, 2021